第八十九章 大海的女儿-《我在艾泽拉斯玩游戏》
+14 耐力
+30 火焰抗性
耐久度 120 / 120
需要等级 55
394 点护甲
+7 耐力
+18 火焰抗性
耐久度 55 / 55
需要等级 54
“beware, beware the daughter of the sea.“小心小心,大海的女儿
“beware,“ i heard him cry.你听,他在呼喊
his words carried upon the ocean breeze,海风扬起,那心碎的话语
as he sank beneath the tide.随风去,沉落海底
those blood-soaked shores of kalimdor,雪融浪波,在卡利姆多
where sailors fought and died.水手为谁拼搏
the admiral fell at theramore,英雄陨落,在塞拉摩
because she left his side.因为她的离开
why this? why this oh daughter of the sea?为何、为何,哦大海的女儿
why this? did you forget your seaside days?为何,昨日时光,你都忘记
always the pride of our nation's eyes,我们的荣耀,因为你而存在
how could she go astray?为何,一去不返
when she did flee across the ocean deep,当他远离,穿越深海西行
the admiral followed west.父亲随他而去
what else but sail to save a daughter's life,杨帆千里,只为把她找寻
and pray she still drew breath?期盼女儿平安
but there he found upon those distant shores,乘风破浪,来到遥远陆地
enemies 'on the rise!危机在等待!
but when he faced those savage foes,当他面对,敌人势入潮水
his daughter stood aside.女儿却袖手旁观
and buried deep beneath the waves,深埋在海底的伤悲
betrayed by family.家人背叛的罪
to his nation, with his last breath, cried,化作对同胞绝望的呼喊
“beware the daughter of the sea.“小心那大海的女儿